Friday 4 July 2014

David Cocks Q C The Man Who Wanted His Child To Grow Up Without a Father ."You cannot accept injustice,you must make the injustice visable

David Cocks Q C The Man Who Wanted His Child To Grow Up Without a Father .
 Mahatma Gandhi, hero of justice and humanity states,
"You cannot accept injustice, you must make the injustice visible, I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality.”
 Mahatma Gandhi also states "If we are to teach real peace on this world...we shall have to begin with children; and if they will grow up in their own innocence, we won't have to struggle; we won't have to pass fruitless, idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace, until at last all the corners of the world are covered with that peace and love for which, consciously or unconsciously, the whole world is hungering." He states also " Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always." - Mahatma Gandhi

David Cocks' son who David Cocks  wanted to grow up without a father's love or fellowship, his guidance and his proximity,  leaving his pupil the mother to raise the child  alone giving only £16 a week for 12 years for the child and nothing for  her hard work which he abandoned her to, while he lived in riches and great comfort, a sort of modern slavery, while stating that she should have had an abortion not only for the sake of her career but because "she is unfit to be a mother". Huh ! she has acquired seven degrees ,bought her own home unaided in her twenties, sent her son to Hill House where the Queen sent Prince Charles, she does not smoke, drink or eat meat and has raised her son with excellence and as best she can as Sir Derek Spencer and The High Court said "putting her son first second and third and herself a long way last "and that "she is the only caring parent "and the father is a hard and determined man." History speaks.

                                                David with his mother on a Greek island.

                   David's birthday party in Coram Field with a violinist playing  music for 30 children. David is dancing with the son of the wonderful Frank Dobson MP who has always been amazing to us especially to David, humanely with consideration and with justice.

                             Professor Phillip Rushton the humanitarian who cared more about David Cock' son than  David Cocks Q C could be allowed by his courage to. He has never once given him even a Christmas present or card despite giving these to his much older adult step children all their lives, not one ounce of humanity or justice ever appeared at Christmas except one year telling the child "I have 16 guests at my country farm so their is no space for you." The same on the child's birthday ,all the step family had access to him but he never allowed his son even once to see him on his birthday or Christmas or Easter, all of which was granted to the step children though they had a father of their own. He was never allowed to see his gran parents though Ada Cocks his grandmother said "I love my step children as much as my other grandchildren ,but my son doesn't want you and he is always right and Derek Spencer is a naughty boy for going against his wishes. David is a good boy and so is Patricia(his first wife) and David my son needs to see me every weekend for his comfort. A son needs to frequently see his mother." This despite the step children having their own grandparents and father, and the chid having none because the child's mother David Cocks young pupil was an orphan ,her mother dying when she was 6.


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